All submitted papers to IC2EM’2023 should be prepared in English according to IEEE format using IEEE Conference Paper Template. All manuscripts are limited to six (6) pages and must not have been published before, not be under review or accepted for any other conference or publication and not include any information leading to the authors’ identification. Therefore, the authors’ names and affiliations should not be included in the version for evaluation by the Technical Program Committee. This information should only be included in the camera-ready version. Submission of abstract or is not accepted. Submission of the papers following the poster template is not accepted.

Authors are invited to submit a full paper as PDF file through the Microsoft CMT system (link below):


All manuscripts will be reviewed blindly by three members of the Technical Program Committee and judged on the basis of their clarity, relevance, originality, and contribution. Please read the author’s instructions carefully before preparing and sending your papers.

The IC2EM’2023 organizers regard plagiarism as a serious professional misconduct. All submissions will be screened for plagiarism and when identified, the submissions by the same author will be rejected. A submission implies that the author intends to ultimately register the paper upon a favorable response from the conference organizers.  IC2EM’2023 doesn’t encourage withdrawals after the paper is accepted.

An accepted paper to be published in the IC2EM’2023 Conference Proceedings which will be published and indexed later in IEEE Xplorer, an author is required to register for the conference following the requirements of the registration announced in the website of the conference. All accepted papers MUST be presented at the conference by one of the authors, or, if none of the authors are able to attend, it can be presented by a qualified substitute authorized presenter and arranged in advance by the chair of the conference, however for presenting the paper and answering the questions, this should be arranged in advance during the event with the chair of the session.

IC2EM’2023 Paper templates

1) Microsoft Word

2) Latex document

3) Latex Bibliography files

4) Instructions to Authors