Foreign Languages / Arabic Language and Literature
Faculty of Law and Political Science
Juridical and Administrative Sciences/ International Law and International Relations
Faculty of economics, business and management sciences
Administration & Finance/ Public Management/...
The training offer of YAHIA Fares University of Medea is divided into the following 9 domains
Science of matter
Domain of Material Sciences (SM)
Science and Technology
Domain of Science and Technology (ST)
Mathematics and Computer Science
Domaine Mathematics and Computer Science (MI)
Lettres et Langues Etrangères
Domaine Lettres et Langues Etrangères (LLE)
Sciences Humaines et Sociales
Domaine Sciences Humaines et Sociales (SHS)
Langue et Littérature Arabes
Domaine Langue et Littérature Arabes (LLA)
Droit et des Sciences Politiques
Domaine Droit et Sciences Politiques (DSP)
Sciences Economiques, des Sciences Commerciales et des Sciences de Gestion
Domaine des Sciences Economiques, des Sciences Commerciales et des Sciences de Gestion(SESCSG)
Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie
Domaine Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie (SNV)
Consult the training offer by faculty
The training offer of the YAHIA Fares University of Médéa is divided into 6 Faculties. The YAHIA Fares University of Médéa offers a wide range of diplomas to carry out your study project