Launch of the 2nd semester exam

Last Updated on 1 June 2022 Launch of the 2nd semester exams During a field visit to the faculties of the university ,the rector of the university, Professor BOUAROURI Djaafar supervised the launch of the second semester examinations, where he was able to see personally the conditions of their conduct and the means offered to them, expressing his satisfaction with the atmosphere that prevails and stressing the need to continue in the same direction. It should be noted that the second semester examinations at the University of Medea will be held in two sections with the same division of the study phase, which will allow students and teachers to pass this phase in a comfortable atmosphere.
4th stop of the Caravan of Entrepreneurship The Faculty of Science.

Last Updated on 29 May 2022 4th stop of the Caravan of Entrepreneurship : The Faculty of Science. Under the supervision of the rector of the university, Professor BOUAROURI Djafaar, in its last stop the caravan of entrepreneurship landed at the hall of the Faculty of Science of the University Yahia Fares of Medea, where the caravan aims to get closer to students and motivate them to explore the world of entrepreneurship, while striving to highlight the facilities offered by the state to students wishing to access the world of entrepreneurship and help them to realize their own projects. The students received enlightening explanations regarding the effective role of the entrepreneurship House in linking the university with the different organizations and institutions concerned..
3rd stop of the Caravan of entrepreneurship .

Last Updated on 24 May 2022 3rd stop of the Caravan of entrepreneurship . The Faculty of Technology and the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences. Under the supervision of the rector of the university, Professor BOUAROURI Djafaar, the caravan of entrepreneurship continues its tour with a stop at the Faculty of Technology and the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences of the University Yahia Fares of Medea, where the caravan aims to get closer to students and motivate them to explore the world of entrepreneurship, while striving to highlight the facilities offered by the state to students wishing to access the world of entrepreneurship and help them realize their own projects. The students received enlightening explanations concerning the effective role of the House of Entrepreneurship in linking the university with the various organizations and institutions concerned. Note that the last stop of the caravan will take place on Wednesday, May 25, in the lobby of the Faculty of Science.
The message of the President of the Republic on the occasion of Student’s Day May 19, 2022

Last Updated on 19 May 2022
2nd stop of the Caravan of entrepreneurship, Faculty of Law and Political Science

Last Updated on 17 May 2022 2nd stop of the Caravan of entrepreneurship, Faculty of Law and Political Science Under the supervision of the rector of the university, Professor BOUAROURI Djafaar, the caravan of entrepreneurship has landed at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University Yahia Fares of Medea, where the caravan aims to get closer to students and motivate them to enter the world of entrepreneurship, while striving to highlight the facilities offered by the state to students wishing to access the world of entrepreneurship and help them to realize their own projects. The students received enlightening explanations concerning the effective role of the House of Entrepreneurship in the liaison of the university with the various organizations and institutions concerned. Note that the next stop will be at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University Pole on Monday, May 23, in the auditorium, and the last stop of the caravan will be on Wednesday, May 25, in the hall of the Faculty of Sciences. All our thanks to Professor Dr. BAGHDAD Mohamed, Director of Information and Documentation of the Supreme Islamic Council, for the courtesy visit, and we also thank the administrative staff of the Faculty of Law and Political Science for the warm welcome.
2nd edition of the National Scientific Week

Last Updated on 17 May 2022 2nd edition of the National Scientific Week The delegation of the University of Medea, represented by the rector of the university, Professor Bouarouri Jaafar, participating in the activities of the second edition of the National Science Week at the university city of Setif El-Baz, in the presence of the Secretary General of the Ministry, Professor Gouali Noureddine, who followed the private wing of the University of Medea, and the two former ministers, Professor Chitour chems-eddine and Professor Attar Abdelmajid, where the University of Medea was represented in the event by Professor Chaiba Younes and Professor Hanini Noureddine in the field of energy security.
Conditions and evaluation grid for promotion to the rank of Professor

Last Updated on 16 May 2022 Conditions and evaluation grid for promotion to the rank of Professor AR FR