Second-year Master’s students are informed that their Master 2 dissertation will be submitted electronically via the Student Space by following the steps below:
Step 1: Access the Student Space account and click on ” Dépôt Mémoire M2 ” as shown in image number 01.
الصورة رقم 01
Step 2: If the supervising teacher does not give his authorisation, the student will be directed to the page shown in image number 02, with the note: ”pour déposer le mémoire vous devez avoir l’autorisation du promoteur’’.
If the supervising teacher gives authorisation, the student is directed to the next page, as shown in image 03. At this step, the student can proceed as follows:
– Insert the dissertation in PDF format.
– To save, click on the “Enregistrer” button.
– To confirm, click on the “Valider (version finale)” confirmation button.
الصورة رقم 03