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Visit from the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamel Baddari

Visit from the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamel Baddari

On the morning of March 14, 2024, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamel Baddari, paid an inspection visit to the various higher education structures at the Ouzera and Médéa university poles.., The Minister began his visit to Médéa with the inauguration of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Ouzera university campus, followed by a visit to the Technological Prototyping Platform at the same campus. At the Médéa university pole, he visited an exhibition of start-up projects and the Data Center, which contains servers and data storage systems used by university teachers and researchers to carry out their projects. At the last stop, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research met the university family in the conference room, where he listened to a speech by the Wali of Médéa, Mr. Djahid Mouss, followed by a speech by the University’s Rector, Professor Djaafar Bouarouri, who gave a presentation on the most important stations the university has crossed in the current year, including digitization, incubator ,start-ups and other different pedagogical points.

Awareness campaign on the dangers of drugs in universities

Awareness campaign on the dangers of drugs in universities

The preventive medicine department of the University of Médéa – the City University Preventive Medicine Unit – Djaouhar Boulaares, in cooperation with the Algerian Red Crescent, have organised an awareness-raising campaign on the dangers of drug use in universities.

Exchange of experiences between the University of Médéa and national universities

Exchange of experiences between the University of Médéa and national universities

The Rector of the University, Professor Dr. Djaafar Bouarouri, delegated Dr. Mohamed Mazouz, Vice-Rector of External Relations, accompanied by Dr. Bilal Ben Gherbia, in charge of the “BLUE” Liaison Office at the University of Médéa, to visit the Djilali El Yabes University in Sidi Bel Abbès. The delegation visited several of the university’s facilities, including the start-up incubator, the Entrepreneurship Development Centre, the BLEU Liaison Office, the CEIL intensive language teaching centre and the FabLab audiovisual centre. They also visited the Technology Support and Innovation  Centre (CATI), the Technology Development Platform and a number of scientific research laboratories. The delegation was received by the rector of the University of Sidi Bel Abbès, Professor Dr. Merahi Bouziani, and the university’s vice-rectors and staff, where they had the opportunity to discuss ways of ensuring fruitful cooperation between the two universities and to exchange experiences. The meeting culminated in the signing of a cooperation agreement between the two universities. It should be noted that the University of Sidi Bel Abbès is one of Algeria’s top-ranked universities in various fields, and boasts eminent professors and researchers in the field of scientific research.

In recognition of university competencies

In recognition of university competencies

Following Dr Bouhada Mounir’s first place, with merit and distinction, in the national competition for the best scientific publication among nearly 600 research projects. Mr Djahid Mous, Wali of the MEDEA, accompanied by the President of the Wilaya People’s Assembly, oversaw the holding of an honorary ceremony in honour of research doctor Bouhada Mounir. The ceremony took place in the presence of the university community and the following dignitaries: Secretary General of the Wilaya of Médéa General Inspector Director of Local Administration Director of Regulations and General Affairs Head of Cabinet Director of National Telecommunications Security Representative University Rector Deans and staff of the university Mr Djahid Mous, Wali of Médéa, congratulated the university community on its achievements, particularly after winning first place in the national competition for the best scientific publication in Algeria in class A+ in the field of food safety, awarded to Dr Bouhada Mounir, The Wali of Médéa called on all the university’s teacher-researchers to do more to win the quality stakes and achieve excellence in the training of elites and skills, and to build up strategic human capital in a society that is moving resolutely towards a new economy based essentially on knowledge. He also underlined the State’s unconditional support for the university, so that it continues to occupy a place of choice in the fields of knowledge and technical progress, and so that it makes remarkable progress in the world ranking of universities. The President of the Wilaya People’s Assembly, Mustapha Taani, welcomed the Wali’s patronage and support, stressing that the University of Médéa has always been and will continue to be a source of national competences. In his speech, the Rector of the University of Médéa, Professor Djaafar Bouarouri, revealed that a number of research projects developed by teacher-researchers at the University of Médéa are currently being carried out as part of an intelligent management approach, with a view to projecting them into the various economic sectors. This was appreciated by the Wali, who indicated that meetings will be organised to study these projects, then adopt and implement them on the ground, especially as the university is the locomotive of the economy.

The University of Médéa ranked first nationally for the best scientific publication

The University of Médéa ranked first nationally for the best scientific publication

The University of Médéa has come first nationally in the national competition, which attracted 594 entries for the best scientific publication in Algeria in category “A”, organised in cooperation with the National Council for Scientific Research and Technology. The university took first place, represented by Professor Bouhada Mounir of the Faculty of Technology, University of Médéa, winner of the competition in which he took part with a scientific publication in category A+ in the field of food safety in the competition which was organised on the initiative of Sonatrach in cooperation with the National Council for Scientific Research and Technology, with the aim of encouraging creative energies and scientific skills, and rewarding excellence in scientific research and technological development in the fields of food safety, energy safety and health safety, by offering valuable prizes to those involved. The evaluation committee, which included researchers from Sonatrach, the Conseil National de la Recherche Scientifique et des Technologies (National Council for Scientific Research and Technology) and the Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (National Health Safety Agency), approved the names of the winners in the final minutes of deliberation. Among them, Mr Mounir Bouhada from the University of Médéa took first place in the field of food safety, for his theme “An intelligent irrigation system using fuzzy control technology and the Internet of Things to save water and energy”. The prizes were awarded at a ceremony organised by Sonatrach on 21 December 2023 at the Abdellatif Rahal International Conference Centre in Algiers, on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of its creation, in the presence of several ministers, representatives of state institutions and some representatives of the diplomatic corps, as well as representatives of public and private institutions and directors and managers of the national media.

International Day of persons with disabilities

International Day of persons with disabilities

On the occasion of the International Day of People with Disabilities, the rector of the university, Professor Djaafar Bouarouri, accompanied by the members of the office of social welfare , honored a group of employees with disabilities at the University of Medea.

Reception of Professor “Toufik Slimane” from the Irish University of Limerick

Reception of Professor  “Toufik  Slimane” from the Irish University of Limerick

As part of the drive to strengthen international relations and cooperation at the University of Médéa, the rector of the university, Professor Djaafar Bouarouri, accompanied by his deputies and the dean of the Faculty of Science, welcomed Professor Toufik Slimane from the University of Limerick in Ireland. The visitor presented an exhibition on the University of Limerick and the university’s various teaching and research facilities. On this occasion, opportunities for cooperation and partnership between the University of Médéa and its Irish counterpart were discussed within the framework of the cooperation agreement signed between the two universities in December 2022.