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National Day for International Students – Student Marhaba Day

National Day for International Students – Student Marhaba Day

National Day for International Students – Student Marhaba Day On the occasion of International Students’ Day, under the slogan “Student Marhaba Day”, and under the  patronage of the rector of the University of Médéa, Professor Djaafar Bouarouri, a special reception was organized for international students enrolled at the university.The event was attended by the university’s vice-rector for educational affairs, the vice-rector for external relations and the director of university services .At the start of the event, welcome speeches were given, expressing the university’s pride in welcoming international students, while reaffirming its commitment to providing an ideal educational environment that enables them to distinguish themselves academically and integrate culturally. This was followed by a discussion forum with the students, addressing various aspects of student and academic life. During the meeting, dialogue was established with international students on various aspects of their academic and daily lives. Those in charge took the time to listen to their concerns and challenges, and their remarks were noted with the aim of working towards solutions to improve their conditions of study and student life at the university.Among the proposals put forward was the activation of regular communication sessions between the university administration and students to keep abreast of their news and changing needs. At the end of the dialogue session, students were invited to a friendly lunch in a relaxed atmosphere aimed at strengthening communication, where discussion continued on ways to facilitate the integration of international students into the university community and broaden their participation in various activities, both cultural and sporting.A number of ideas were also put forward for including international students in national events and university activities, helping to strengthen cultural exchange with their Algerian peers and forge lasting friendships that reinforce the spirit of cooperation and understanding. This was followed by a cultural visit to the regional Moudjahid Museum, where students were briefed on the historical legacy of the glorious November Revolution, and had the opportunity to discover the revolutionary leaders and emblematic figures who have left their mark on Algerian history. The visit gave the international students a better understanding of the host country’s history and culture, helping them to assimilate more deeply the meanings of sacrifice and resilience that are an integral part of the Algerian identity. The welcome day was widely appreciated by the international students, who expressed their gratitude for the attention and praised the university’s efforts to support them. They also called for the repetition of such initiatives and the diversification of the activities on offer to reinforce their integration and support their academic and social experience in Algeria.    Recent news 17 Nov اعلان خاص بالطلبة الدوليين 15 Nov Journée d’étude sur la préservation des végétaux 15 Nov إيداع طلب التجميد عبر فضاء الطالب (Congé académique) 15 Nov اليوم الوطني للطلبة الأجانب Student Marhaba Day 13 Nov تمديد قترة استكمال ملف LPA 12 Nov ورشة عمل مشاريع الدكتوراه (PhD projet workshop)

Visit of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Kamel Baddari,

Visit of  the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Kamel Baddari,

Visit of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Kamel Baddari,    As part of his visit to Médéa, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamel Baddari, inaugurated a remote forest fire detector, in the presence of the Wali of Médéa, Mr. Djahid Mouss, and the Rector of the University of Médéa, Professor Dr. Djaafar Bouarouri, accompanied by a delegation. The Minister then visited the University of Médéa, where he met members of the academic community in the large Hadj Hamdi Arselan lecture hall. In his speech, he presented the fire detector project and the prospects for its future development, highlighting the progress made in the higher education sector. The Minister affirmed that the launch of this device responds to the directives of the Council of Ministers meeting on April 30, 2023, where the President of the Republic ordered that scientific research be boosted to develop modern means of monitoring and controlling forest fires in order to protect wooded areas. The higher education sector has made a major contribution, through the Centre for the Development of Advanced Technologies, which has developed a device using artificial intelligence, consisting of an optical pulse emitter that scans the horizon using a rotating system, enabling it to locate the smoke given off by a fire within a radius of between 10 and 30 km around it. This detector will be crucial in helping the civil protection and forestry services to intervene rapidly and define intervention methods in real time. The Minister emphasized that this achievement was made possible by Algerian skills and the use of advanced technologies and artificial intelligence. Participants also heard from Mohamed Traiche, Director of the Centre for the Development of Advanced Technologies, who spoke about the importance of the device and how to develop it. On the sidelines of his visit, the Minister paid a visit to students in the medicine stream at the University of Médéa, where he attended a model course with them, encouraging them to continue their efforts to achieve outstanding academic results. Recent news 07 Oct أجل إعادة التسجيل لطلبة الدكتوراه للسنة الجامعية 2024/2025 06 Oct زيارة وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي 06 Oct مخبر علوم التربية للتوجيه والإرشاد ندوة توجيهية لطلبة الجذع المشترك علوم اجتماعية 06 Oct ندوة توجيهية لطلبة الجذع المشترك علوم اجتماعية 03 Oct ملتقى وطني حول الهجرة الجزائرية نحو العالم العربي الاسلامي خلال النصف الأول من القرن 20م 03 Oct ملتقى وطني حول دور مؤسسات التربية والتكوين والمؤسسات الإعلامية في تنمية ونشر المعرفة العلمية

Closing ceremony for the 2023-2024 academic year

Closing ceremony for the 2023-2024 academic year

Closing ceremony for the 2023-2024 academic year On 04 July 2024, the rector of the university, Professor Djaafar Bouarouri, received the wali of the wilaya of Médéa, Mr Djahid Mouss, where he supervised, accompanied by the civil, security and military authorities of the wilaya, the closing events of the 2023-2024 academic year at the large conference hall of the university pole, The ceremony began with verses from the Holy Koran and the national anthem, followed by a welcome speech by the university rector in which he welcomed the participants and congratulated the students on their academic and professional achievements during the academic year. The official closing of the academic year was then announced by the Wali of Médéa, Mr Djahid Mouss. The ceremony concluded with the presentation of honours to teachers who had been promoted to the rank of professor and to students who had graduated top of their class. Recent news 05 Juil حفل اختتام السنة الجامعية 2024/2023 04 Juil نتائج مسابقة التوظيف رتبة استاذ مساعد قسم ب 04 Juil نتائج المسابقات الخارجية 04 Juil نتائج الامتحانات المهنية في رتبة : ملحق رئيسي للادارة، كاتب مديرية ، تقني سامي في الاعلام الالي 04 Juil تمديد فترة ايداع الطعون على نتائج التوجيهات 04 Juil برنامج التعاون السنغافوري (SCP)

external relations

external relations

External relations To support its open policy towards its external environment, the University of Médéa has strengthened its external relations by signing three agreements on Thursday 30 May 2024 with social and economic partners. These partnerships include the Direction of Moudjahidine and Rights of the Wilaya of Médéa, the POVAL pumps and valves production company in Berouaghia – Médéa, and the SOEXPLAST company in Médéa. The agreements were signed under the supervision of Professor Djaafar Bouarouri, the university’s rector, in the presence of the directors of the contracting companies, as well as the university’s vice-rector in charge of external relations, the vice-rector in charge of pedagogy, the dean of the Faculty of Literature, and the head of the BLEU liaison office for the University of Médéa .For the university, the renewal of the cooperation agreement with the Direction des Moudjahidine will enable teacher-researchers in the fields of history and the humanities to coordinate with the Direction of the Moudjahidine to form scientific historical research teams focusing on the study and enhancement of historical heritage. This will help to promote and disseminate Algerian history for future generations and consolidate the noble values and principles of the glorious November Revolution. It embodies the government’s action plan to preserve the national memory and strengthen links with the November reference. It will also provide an opportunity for university students to take part in activities organised by the Directorate of the Moudjahidine, such as exhibitions, museum visits, study days and field trips to historic sites that bear witness to the struggle of the Algerian people against colonialism.As for the cooperation agreement with the POVAL company, it will enable a broad segment of scientists and researchers in the field of science and technology to coordinate with the company’s engineers to launch research projects of mutual interest. It will also enable university students to improve their theoretical knowledge and reinforce it with practical training, preparing them for post-graduate projects.The university is seeking to achieve the same objectives through the cooperation agreement with SOEXPLAST . In this way, the University of Médéa aims to improve its position in its environment, striving to be a fourth-generation university and a driving force in the national economy, in line with the recommendations of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamal Baddari. Recent news 05 Juin الرزنامة المتعلقة بتحضير مسابقات الالتحاق بالتكوين في الطور الثالث بعنوان السنة الجامعية 2024-2025 04 Juin نتائج الامتحان المهني لشعبة المكتبات الجامعية 04 Juin عرض تكوينات تدريبية في الهند 03 Juin فتح المجال للترشح للحصول على شهادة طالب خمس نجوم 30 Mai اعلان لطلبة الدكتوراه 30 Mai اتفاقية وشراكة

The sixty-eighth (68th) anniversary of the Students’ Day

The sixty-eighth (68th) anniversary of the Students’ Day

Like the rest of the wilayas of the country, the wilaya of Medea commemorated the sixty-eighth (68th) anniversary of the Students’ Day, May 19, 1956, where the Wali of the Wilaya of Medea, Mr. Djahid Mouss, as well as the President of the Popular Assembly of the wilaya, and the Vice-Rector of the University of Medea, Professor. Ismail Kouadik, on behalf of the Rector of the University, Professor. Djaafar Bouarouri, supervised the ceremony of this occasion in the presence of the local civil authorities, the revolutionary family, the university family, the students of various faculties of the University. The opening ceremony took place by laying a wreath at the university memorial and reading EL-FATIHA in tribute to the pure souls of the martyrs. This was followed by a speech by the representative of the Imams, followed by a speech by one of the students in which he praised the sacrifices of the martyrs and the Mujahideen and what the state proposes to advance science and knowledge at the University of Medea. The participants then went to the conference room “Mohamed Ben chaneb”, where the vice-rector of the university delivered a speech in which he stressed the importance of the occasion, calling on the students to advance on the same path taken by their revolution. ancestors so that our dear Algeria can live free and independent, and for the continuation of the construction process, given the bet of the state on the university as a locomotive that leads the country towards progress and prosperity. The University of Medea has scheduled a historical conference on the struggle of former minister Mustapha Ben Omar, under the title “Immortalizing the souls of students and martyrs of Dr. Mohamed Ben Shanab high school”, in which he evoked the pivotal stages of the history of the glorious revolution. At the end of the celebration, the student winners of various local and national competitions and championships were honored.

Official visit

Official visit

Professor Djaafar Bouarouri, Rector of the University of Médéa, accompanied by his two deputies in charge of scientific research and external relations, received Professor Ben-Yamina Said, President of the National Commission at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Professor Ben-Houhou Nabila, President of the National Commission for Didactics, in preparation for the national forum on the postgraduate training programme – assessment and prospects – the didactics module as a model – to be held at the University of Médéa on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 June 2024.

Visit from the interministerial commission in charge of creating a medicine annex at the University of Médéa

Visit from the interministerial  commission    in charge of creating a medicine annex at the University of Médéa

The wali of the wilaya of Médéa, Mr Djahid Mouss, in the presence of the rector of the university of Médéa, Professor Djaafar Bouarouri, the director of health for the wilaya and a number of executives and teachers, has received the interministerial commission in charge of studying the pedagogical and material resources available to ensure the best possible conditions for teaching medical sciences at the university of Médéa, with a view to creating an annex of medicine at the university of Médéa. The delegation went to the Ouzera university centre, which houses the science and technology faculties, where it visited all the practical laboratories, in particular the biology, physics and chemistry laboratories. It then visited the teaching pavilion, with 18 classrooms, 4 amphitheatres with a capacity of 300 seats each, and 16 offices that will be attached to the future administration of the medicine annex. The delegation visited the biology research laboratory, where a technical map was presented, showing the most important work being carried out there. The delegation also inspected the annex’s library, which has four reading rooms with a capacity of 100 places each, as well as a teachers’ area, an internet area and a book area. The committee then visited the Mohamed Boudiaf hospital in the wilaya of Médéa, which has several pavilions and a number of specialised departments and laboratories to provide students and teachers with the best possible conditions for theoretical and practical training. The visit ended with a meeting at the University Rector’s Office, where the final report of the visit was finalised.